Monday, April 29, 2013


Historical Haiku Mysteries!

There was a lot of great haiku last week, but two of my favorites were riddles really.  Can you tell who the presidents are referred to in these two poems?  First, this great effort by the Waco Farmer (a guy who knows and loves history):

Probably smartest
read classics before breakfast
greatest Sec of State

first job at 14
faithful son of USA
died in the service 

peerless diarist
integrity & vision
low-rated POTUS

not a party man
swam naked in Potomac
Old Man Eloquent

And then this beauty, from David Best:

or fight!" said Dems. Mexican
American War.

Achievements were great,
But at a cost. Imagine
a more peaceful state.

He gave us Grier, and 
Grier wrote Prize, putting Lincoln's 
Blockade in the clear.

He gave us Grier and
Grier voted Scott, putting, Dred's 
name back under key.

The youngest to rise
to that cherished prize. Yet he died
not three months removed.

Great by his standards.
Did what he said. Took country
from sea to sea.

Forgotten for years,
then lauded by some, his methods
brought death and great tears.

Really loved "54-40...."

JKP. #11. The first dark horse
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