Friday, April 26, 2013


Haiku Friday: Most Interesting presidents

Who cares about who the most important or the best presidents were... this week, let's discuss the presidents who were the most interesting.

Here, I will go first:

New Yorker told tale:
He shook hands with his dear wife
Each night 'fore dinner.

Now it is your turn!  5 syllables/7 syllables/5 syllables and involve a president...

He wore wooden teeth,
He turned down a third term,
Martha knew him best.
Probably smartest
read classics before breakfast
greatest Sec of State

first job at 14
faithful son of USA
died in the service

peerless diarist
integrity & vision
low-rated POTUS

not a party man
swam naked in Potomac
Old Man Eloquent
No hiding my age
when I say my debut was
during Ford's brief term.

Interesting? Meh,
He stepped in after scandal;
couldn't gain footing.
Rolled up his shirtsleeves
Sincere, leaned on podium
Now he builds houses
They took his mother.
So as a side job he'd hunt
Those ruthless undead.
or fight!" said Dems. Mexican
American War.

Achievements were great,
But at a cost. Imagine
a more peaceful state.

He gave us Grier, and
Grier wrote Prize, putting Lincoln's
Blockade in the clear.

He gave us Grier and
Grier voted Scott, putting, Dred's
name back under key.

The youngest to rise
to that cherished prize. Yet he died
not three months removed.

Great by his standards.
Did what he said. Took country
from sea to sea.

Forgotten for years,
then lauded by some, his methods
brought death and great tears.
Grief was his constant.
Soft storms were in his eyes.He
Enemies embraced.

He fell for a belle
Sorrow wooed her well.

Laughter was his cane
In life. It helped him stand tall.
Faith flavored all he did.

His sons were his all.
And yet he had to send sons
Of others to die.Pain.

A son of the South
Shot him. Someone he himself
Would have forgiven.

Even dead,gone long years
We feel his presence,holy mind.
Old Hick’ry took aim:
He killed a man in a duel,
then beat the British.
Job requirement
Checkers, Bo, Mrs. Beasley
Canine Companion
Gleamed like teeth below
His mustasche,bathtub took his
Portly frame and held on.

The President got stuck
And several men had to
Extract him.Blushhh.Not

Another thing he
Did mattered after that.
Fat Taft in the tub.
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