Thursday, February 07, 2013


Political Mayhem Thursday: Performance-Enhancing Drugs

The number of athletes, in a variety of sports, who have lost their place in history due to the use of performance enhancing drugs seems to grow every month. Most recently, Lance Armstrong admitted (after years of denials) that was using such drugs, and Ray Lewis fended off allegations he used a banned substance made from deer antlers.

Given that there is a constant struggle to define and contain the use of such drugs, should we even try? What harm is caused by their use? What should the limits be on steroids and other performance enhancers?

It's a tricky subject, but I know Razorites will have opinions...

Since the result of using banned substances may be death,... no wait, this is kinda confusing. If you take this stuff knowing you could die, but you might also win. Never mind. Violins in schools.
I'm just commenting to say bravo for the curling photo. Such a fun and under-appreciated sport.
I'd say let them all dope! And if anyone should choose the old fashioned way, let it be known when the results are tallied...who ranked where, by doping or not doping.
Curling isn't a sport, it's housekeeping. While I'm at it, here are some other things that are not sports:

Figure skating
Ice dancing
Horse riding
Synchronized swimming

The big thing Lance and the Tour guys did was blood doping, which is taking out your own blood, then re-injecting it at a time when it will give you the biggest boost. That's not drugs. That's just creepy.
Basbball is a sport!
TPP - I would disagree with Synchronized swimming a sport requiring exceptional athleticism. But if you are including Synchronized swimming then you must also include competitive synchronized ice skating and rhythmic gymnastics.
Baseball is a sport!

Meegan - blood doping with the use of EPO. EPO helps enhance the bloods ability to hold oxygen. EPO allows for increased stamina and faster recovery (required in the Tour.

As for steroids - if they want to destroy their bodies so be it - let them sign a disclaimer. Since the 'ban' it has been really apparent who in baseball was juicing as their bodies are deteriorating a quick rate when they stop using.
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