Monday, February 11, 2013


Holler for Texas!

Wow! Great haikus last week. Loved 'em all.

I got a good email from an old friend last week, suggesting that maybe two days devoted to haiku every week might be too much-- and hinting that devoting Monday to the arts or sports or recipes might be a better idea. What do you all think?

At any rate, though, I do have to recommend Jill Scoggins' tip that everyone check out this list of reasons to love Texas.

I would add the following to that list:

-- The Hula Hut
-- The town of Alpine
-- Every stinkin'restaurant in the entire city of San Antonio
-- Boots
-- Robert and Mary Darden
-- Frozen Margaritas

So,do we all win? Are we not entitled to a group biography?! Now that would be challenging! I voted for the beautifulangry haiku category.
How about a Monday surprise? "Osler's Choice" - give yourself free reign to write about whatever you want at the start of each week. Maybe elaborate on something that has recently inspired you, give us a glimpse into something on which you are working and how it came to be (e.g. your speech on abortion at Stanford), or write autobiographically about things like how you decided to attend William & Mary or other random stuff like that which you occasionally sort of do anyway and is pretty interesting to people who regularly follow your blog. And you could still include a shout-out to the author of your favorite haiku of the previous week.
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