Monday, February 04, 2013


Haiku Winner: Jessica!

Ok, there were lots of great haikus last week (among other wonderful writing by Razorites). For example, there were new voices, like this from Jo Anne Beaty:

Hats, scarves, coats, mittens
Wind, rain, snow by the North Sea
St. Andrews, Scotland

And this from Maddie:

Snow-drifts, shoulder-height;
Ice-hut village on the lake,
Me, child of the north.

And from Rivkelah:

Woke my son up early.
"Can I say a bad word, please?"
"Holy Crap, it snowed!"

Or Anonymous:

Asthmatic oldest
skis in subzero weather
Hello urgent care.

But the most significant haiku was from Jessica:

I was different then
When I wrote, twelve hours ago
Now I am a mom :)

Here's the scoop: Jessica and her groovy hubby Cody just found out that they are going to adopt a child, who will arrive later this month. They are going to be the fun parents at another table in the restaurant who you secretly wish were going to claim you, too...

Congratulations, Jessica!
Thanks, Megan, and we'll be happy to adopt you too, Professor! :)
Congratulations Jessica and Cody!
Congrats, you guys! I mean, not everyone can be an Osler Haiku Winner!
And congrats on the adoption.

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