Monday, January 28, 2013


Haiku success!

So much goodness last week, on a hard subject, with so many great poets remembered. I had a lot of favorites, but here are two of them. For short-form, I have to go with Woody's reflection on RFK honoring MLK:

MLK is gone.
Misquoted Aeschylus, but
wisdom through God's (awful)grace.

In long-form, I was really wowed by someone new, Mustang's Sally:

You wimp.Think you got
It rough? Sylvia's dad wuz
A Nazi. Cry Baby!

And she married the
SS of Critics.So she
Baked her head.Dammit!

Just seemed easier
Than dealing with that English
Snobjerk.Now she rests.

But I remember
About "A Black Rook in Rain"
Which so described God...!

Made me want to call
Her out of the oven.WAIT!!
Sylvie, I Love You.

What Sally and Woody have in common, of course, is a love of words, which can be the truest muse of all, singing and seducing, always there, always calling to us, perfection that is just out of reach. These are people who savor the good words, let them linger like good scotch, and that is a true mark of wisdom.

Listen,Osler-- People got to know who they are in case any wimps show up tryin' to tell 'em diff'rent (don't even get me started on Geoffrey). I'd like to comment on the swell bio,but I just opened some Ardbeg 10. It's happy hour somewhere. Sally
I love those two views of the same road in opposite seasons.
megan, i was just thinking the same thing. one is covered with runners, and the other view, if you look closely appears to be covered with cross-country ski tracks.
looks like a well-used path.
It is-- it's my favorite ski path around here. It goes around a beautiful lake, up hills, and through thick woods where it is utterly quiet.
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