Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Turkey talk

Check out my piece in today's Minneapolis Star Tribune... I love the photo!

Swallowed wrong on my OJ when my "could it be Mark?" query, while pondering the article's title, slammed into my smile when I read, "By: MARK OSKER" two lines below.

While President Obama may be 'Commander in Chief' and hopefully some day Thanksgiving Day's 'Pardoner in Chief' - You are staking clain to 'Instigator in Chief!"

I need go purchase another copy of this morning's StarTrib - mine has a fresh OJ stain in the middle of your article. . .

Well Said, Professor!!!
DAMN! -Typo please remove and correct my spelling. . . My 'hunt an peck typing gets me into all sorts of trouble!!!

Swallowed wrong on my OJ when my "could it be Mark?" query, while pondering the article's title, slammed into my smile when I read, "By: MARK OSLER" two lines below.

While President Obama may be 'Commander in Chief' and hopefully some day Thanksgiving Day's 'Pardoner in Chief' - You are staking clain to 'Instigator in Chief!"

I need go purchase another copy of this morning's StarTrib - mine has a fresh OJ stain in the middle of your article. . .

Well Said, Professor!!!
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