Thursday, November 08, 2012


Political Mayhem Thursday II: A New Direction

So, it's been, like, almost 30 hours now since the work of many, many people in Minnesota paid off, and the same-sex marriage amendment was defeated. Sure, my advocacy got into some controversial areas, and I got hundreds of vitriolic emails, but I think in the end it did some good.

Still, I kinda miss that swirl of controversy and hubbub, so I present to you now my new article on abortion, Roe's Ragged Remnant, which will appear in the Stanford Law and Policy Review this spring. To download it, just follow the link and then hit the "download this paper" button. I welcome your reactions!

Give us a break, Professor... a little calm before the next 'swirl' is often welcomed -

I just had my curly tresses highlighted (really to conceal the gray) for my author photo. do you need to lead us on a 'new advocacy journey' so soon? I week or so of enjoying my new 'do' before the invasion of 'the gray' would be appreciated.

You have chosen wisely for a next advocacy topic - many opportunities to bring both sides closer together...
Drafting vitriolic email now.
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After all the legal talk and all the great arguments validating the fact that viability doesn’t just matter, it should be crucial for a woman when she chooses to give up gestation, after stating all the individual or societal codes of morality, the common denominator from every perspective seems to be LIFE. Among other things, life is not just closely connected to viability, life is closely connected to health and the unequivocal argument is that health comes with a price tag. Until that price tag is removed not just from around the infant’s wrist but from around ALL Americans’ wrists, legal action and moral codes will be ardently argued by all sides and across all state borders regardless of wealth related mobility or not.
Very well said... A wonderful opportunity to further discuss the issues you raised during the roll-out of the AHCA?

Bringing to 'light' the benefits contained within the AHCA need be joined with more stringent efforts at cost control while working to ensure "ALL Americans" have access to a basic 'wellness' policy...
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