Monday, November 19, 2012


Haiku winner: IPLawGuy!

Why did I love this one so much?

Madame Bovary
Bought it at "shady" bookstore
in Ft. Lauderdale

I think one reason is because Fort Lauderdale is kind of shady, and so is "Madame Bovary," so buying that book in that place AT a shady bookstore just paints a great picture. Plus, I'm sure it is true.

So, here is a little IPLawGuy info:

In college, IPLG was well known at the radio station for his mellow tones and cool talk on the airways. Then, as now, he was a devotee of Rockabilly and its close relatives, which was a good thing to like in Virginia at that time-- lots of material!

When he was a Senior, I was a freshman, a rookie at the station. He was the one who showed me around the station in fact, which was a real honor since he was the ultimate big shot: the Station Manager.

My favorite part of the tour was when he showed me the studio where we made our shows. There was a big boom mic (thrilling) huge shelves of records (overwhelming) and a small blue couch (relatively normal). Surprisingly, he spent most of the time explaining the couch. "Don't sit on the couch if you don't have to, and absolutely don't let some girl you know sit there."

This was a little perplexing, so I asked "why not?"

He looked over at the couch with abject genuine disgust and concern, then lowered his eyes at this pathetic newcomer, with his stupid question.

"Disease..." he explained, "bad, bad, diseases."

And, this, unlike most of the bios, is all true.
To much information? (And it's all true and I have no doubt about it.) Congrats! IPLawguy!
Somehow, I just knew this one was true.
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