Friday, November 16, 2012


Haiku Friday: So, watcha reading?

I love reading. From what I can tell, many of you are able to read, as well, and probably enjoy it. So let's haiku about books and reading and stuff like that!

Here is mine:

My buddy wrote this
Now I will read it, slowly,
It's a precious thing.

Now it is your turn! Make your haiku about 5 syllables/7 syllables/5 syllables, and the winner gets a bio here on Monday.

The New Yorker. And
Vanity Fair, and David
Sedaris. Fun Stuff.

Old novels about
Manners and worry and hope
No better genre
Books beside the bed
stacked, fiction and non-fiction
and a Kindle too

the books I should read
the books I actually read
if only the same
Madame Bovary
Bought it at "shady" bookstore
in Ft. Lauderdale
Good one I just read:
"The Art of Fielding" about
Baseball, college, life
My best students read.
Always. The best writers read.
With no exceptions.

Kids: The more they read,
The better writers they are.
With no exceptions.

The one thing I've learned
As a teacher of writing:
Good writers read.

It doesn't matter
What they read, either. Just read.
I'm certain of this.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Never something good to read
when you most need it.
I'm a big fan
Of Mexican novellas
Gotta read Spanish.
Currently reading
Another medievalist,
Can't escape the past.
Why read from a book
When you can see the movie
Or so they tell me

Then i figure out
Liberals own Hollywood
Want my money back

Thanksgiving Haiku ~~

Emily Amherst
Belle and word spendthrift
held her wealth for us
Thanksgiving Haiku (corrected)~~

Emily Amherst
Belle and secret word spendthrift
Hid her wealth for us
IPLawGuy - I loved Art of Fielding. It is no longer in the stack next to the bed.
Liqueur of words essential,

Sit at Emily's
Elbow,as she carves away
Dead wood,grows orchids.

Or Hopkins sings his
Own ecstatic hymn in church
Alone,awe and woe twined.

Sandburg tries to reach
A rhyme describing Love,
Frost stories it out.

Roethke playing in
Soil visits Father's greehouse,
Digging in dirt,sky.
They come,colorful
Junks floating in a sea of
Have not.Catalogs.

I can't begin to Haiku about what is on the bedside table. The new book about Jefferson (Meacham); Charters of Freedom: As I lay Dying (Faulkner); The Temple of My Familiar (Alice Walker); My Father's Name; Killing Mr. Watson (Mathiessen); The Mists of Avalon (Bradley); Kate Vaiden (Reynolds Price).. and so the list goes....

On the Kindle: midway through Fear of Flying; Tropic of Cancer; Pride and Prejudice; The Prague Cemetary; just to name a few....
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