Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Oh my! Cal Tech on probation for NCAA violations...

Wandering the campus of Cal Tech last week, I happened to pick up the school newspaper, the Tech. Wow! What a bizarre read...

First of all, Cal Tech (ranked as the best university in the world) is on NCAA probation for athletic rule violations. Really. For a division III team that plays in a league with Pomono-Pitzer and Citrus College, it's a little hard to believe.

More inscrutable, though, is the Tech's humor page-- it's like a scrambled version of the Family Circus.

Then there is this: The Freshman class at Cal Tech includes "a blacksmith, an individual who created a measurement system consisting entirely of Froot Loops®, and a young woman from Iowa who designed her own wetsuit." I get the first two, but why in the heck is someone in Iowa even wanting a wetsuit? Hmmmm....

When I first read this, I thought that it said that the girl from Iowa invented her own "fatsuit." Which might be way more interesting.
Ummmm ..... Mississippi River on one end, Missouri River on the other.
Have you never heard of corn diving?
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