Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Maplewood, Brad Brandon, Gays, and... Hitler!

Minneapolis News and Weather KMSP FOX 9
Last night in Maplewood, I spoke at a forum on the Minnesota marriage amendment. It was a great discussion, and a good forum. Sadly, despite sincere and lengthy efforts, they could not get anyone from the group in favor of the amendment, Minnesotans for Marriage, to show up.

That may be just as well, given that Minnesotans for Marriage has a "Church Outreach Director," Brad Brandon, who has been using a powerpoint (in his official capacity as a spokesperson for that group) that compares people against the amendment (like me) to Adolph Hitler.

The truly bizarre twist is that his larger point is that if the amendment doesn't pass, people who are against gay marriage will be criticized for their views and "silenced"-- a point he makes by trying to silence his opponents by comparing them to Hitler?

Comparing the television ads on both sides of this issue, who best exemplifies 'Christian' behavior?

Especially considering the most recent tv spot that promotes a 'Yes' vote - warning against 'unintended consequences' if the ammendment is voted down - The allegations fly in the face of the passionate pleas that supporters want mostly to PROTECT our children, all children. Please!!

The ad's claims are shameless, fear mongoring. And though, I believe the incidents referenced have taken place ocassionaly - no responsible school district, community, etc... would allow similar allegations to become common place - neither side would allow that...

Yes, there are those (a minority) in the GLBT community that continue to march behind banners of 'victimization' and their behavior, often as shameless.

However, no one concerned with the 'true lens' through which we desire our children to see the world would want to stand before Jesus and answer for the thoughts and actions that went into this recent ad in support of marriage.

It continues to amaze how some knowingly trample on the same Chritian values they profess and march behind...
Sounds like another ultraconservative who doesn't understand the difference between being silenced and having your ideas rejected as stupid by the public. Just as he is free to believe that gays shouldn't have equal rights, I'm allowed to believe that he is a moron and his ideas are antiquated and pathetic. There is no right to have your beliefs respected, only the right to freely express those beliefs without fear of government retribution.

Attention Right Wing: go back to 8th grade civics class. You're embarrassing yourself.
Oops... 'Spell check' challenged in my comments above...

Thank you to the StarTrib this morning (Top of front page of the 'twin cities + region' section) for reporting on 'both sides' of the shameful TV ad in favor of the marriage amendment referenced above.

Shame, shame, shame on any parent for attaching their name to anything so hurtful!

Hurtful to those the ad derides and potentially more hurtful to their own children who may come to believe it acceptable to defend behavior wrapped in half-truths.
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