Monday, June 25, 2012


Haiku of baseball

What a week for haiku! They were all pretty autobiographical, so I don't think I need to embellish. Here they are, full of truth:

First we have this one from OsoGrande:

Bart Giamatti
said "Baseball breaks your heart,
and is designed to."

Baseball, though, is healing and connecting, too. I really loved this one from Demetra:

Daddy I'm here!
Behold the Green Monster
Spy it from heaven?

And timeless, too... as Bob put out there pretty eloquently:

I'm fifty-eight now,
But I can still name all of
The '64 Cards.

No other passion
No other hobby endures
Like baseball still holds.

And as Renee reminds us, it somehow always matters:

Wind blew on his farm.
Tasted dirt in his sandwich.
Wondered: Cards ahead?

Should I Pop the Cork and let the celebration begin?

"A divided U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states can’t impose mandatory life-without-parole sentences on juveniles who are convicted of taking part in a murder."

Is there much more work ahead on this issue? Appears to be a wonderful ruling...
Pop half of a cork-- only some of those sentences were under mandatory schemes...
Thanks for the Haiku nod. I'm honored. Hope your summer is going well. Thursday should bring some interesting news, don't you think? D
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