Thursday, May 10, 2012


Political Mayhem Thursday: Ban the Superheroes?

After seeing the most recent reports on the misadventures of the "Avengers" superhero group (in which they dim-wittedly lure aliens to earth, engage in extended combat which includes the destruction of the Yale Club, and leave Manhattan a shambles), I have concluded that we need to ban the activities of these tights-clad do-gooders.

How many of them should we ban? All of them? What about the seemingly harmless ones, like RomneyMan or Triple Biden?

Also, should superheroes be allowed to enter into same-sex marriages?

President Obama is a day late and a dollar short regarding his support of same sex marriage.
Mitt Romney, although honest, lost many potential voters with his stance on the issue.
The only reason I have ever heard about why homosexual marriage is wrong is based on biblical misinterpretation. That can be debated for eternity. Yet, as a country that is founded on the separation of church and state, why is this a compelling argument?
President Obama endorsed same sex marriage (late as MMM stated) but still thinks it should be addressed at the State level. That is all well and good except the federal government needs to address this from a tax standpoint because although LGBT community is allowed to marry in some states they must still file separate Federal Tax Returns.

And as to the super heroes - Most of them are pretty "mixed" up so why not let them marry if they are LGBT.
If you ban superheroes, you get more superheroes. That's the plot of "The Incredibles," (which, I think, is based on a British comic book series).
No law abiding American should be denied the joys of marriage least of all tights-clad do-gooders, especially when “Married Filing Jointly” provides more tax benefits. I think that openly denying tax benefits to anybody constitutes serious discrimination and an open violation to civil rights…didn’t Benjamin Franklin say that in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes?
As Dennis Miller once said, "the best way to put a damper on gay marriage would be to ban gay divorce."

I have been for gay marriage for just about all my adult life (although the way I get there makes both my conservative and liberal friends unhappy).

Gay Marriage: Yes
Federal Tax Advantage: Yes

Protected Class: No
Affirmative Action Eligible: No

I also support the right of my neighbors to oppose gay marriage on moral grounds based on their worldview.

I agree with President Obama and Mr. Romney that this is a very personal decision (meaning, I think, "reasonable people can disagree"). Moreover, it is a matter that needs to be handled locally not from Washington.
They should just get rid of the tax break for people that are married and filing jointly. In fact, the federal government should get rid of any law that recognizes benefits for married people.
I am for continuing to discriminate against Americans who are not married and not homeowners and not parents.
Actually, the only openly gay superhero I can think of is Northstar, who used to be a member of Alpha Flight, the Canadian version of the X-Men. As a life-long reader of comic books (all of which I still have, which should come as no surprise to my detractors), I feel compelled to point out that there are enormous gaps between the comic book canon and the movies, which play pretty fast and loose with the carefully constructed universe of the comics, whose writers have included Neil Gaiman and Alan Moore. No one in a comic would order the nuking of Manhattan. Where would Spidey swing? Not to mention that the Marvel Comics "bullpen" is there ...
Wait a second, I'm not married and I don't have any kids. As I have long suspected, Waco Farmer is actively supporting discriminating against me. Time to call in the Justice League of Lower Cuyahoga County to save me...
I say add insult to injury for RRL and double his sin taxes...
How are the Canadian X-men different from the US version (other than having an openly gay member)? Do the American mutants lack the work visas to fight crime across the border?
I thought all superheroes were already gay.
Thus they should be allowed to marry
To Sleepy Walleye:
They all have visas (apparently Wolverine has dual citizenship), it's just that Canada has its share of monsters and crazed megalomaniacs with Discombubulator Death Rays.
It's only fair.
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