Tuesday, January 17, 2012



Tomorrow night, I'll be speaking about the civil discourse and the gay marriage amendment in Minnesota at St. Mary's Episcopal Church in St. Paul. (I like that on their home page, the event seems to be linked to something called the "Shoveler's Ball."). The event starts at 6 pm, and is co-sponsored by OutFront MN, Minnesotans United for All Families, and Episcopalians United for All Families.

Please come on out!

I just sent an email to St. Mary's but thought I would check your blog too. Any word on the recording from that night's program? I've got a classmate that couldn't make it (and a few other people I know that should take a listen). Thanks for any insight you might have. And thank you for such a great presentation! I'm currently in an Ethics & Advocacy course at St. Kate's. What you presented was very helpful and a great compliment to what I've learned so far in class.
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