Saturday, October 22, 2011


It's semi-official....

I'm going Episcopal.

Congratulations! A wonderful tradition (and might I add the home tradition of your Congregational/Baptist forebears).

Scott Davis
This makes wonderful sense to me. Welcome!! Please feel free to drink and dance!!
Finally! Tell me more about this drinking and dancing...
Remember to try to be more of a JOINER Why not start a new club? The Liturgical Dance Club?
Please resist the new urge to drive on the left side of the road.

Does this mean you are or have embraced the 'creeds'?
Yay! I was raised Episcopal. Please tell my liturgical dance partner, your new rector.
What are you going to do about the creed?
From what I can tell, he's going to give the creed to the baby who sometimes sits next to him in church, who will read, mark, and (literally) inwardly digest it, along with the rest of the bulletin.
It turns out I can slip in without a creed by being unavailable on swearing-in Sunday. Presumably, I will miss the hazing, too.
This might be a little bit off topic, but my cat is on fire and I don't know what to do. His name is Theodore Rembrandt Edison, and he really likes to eat Twizzlers, so I thought that it would be funny to put a paper clip in an electrical socket and then put a Twizzlers on the end of it. I didn't think that it would actually hurt him - I mean, it was just a little joke! Every single day from November to March, that cat climbs into my bed right after I wake up and climbs on my face and his fur conducts electricity! It hurts a lot! So I thought that he would find out that I have more electricity than he did so that he wouldn't try to do that anymore.

Anyway, Theo decided to nibble on the Twizzler, but then he tried to pull the whole thing out of the socket, which made it catch on fire. Then he decided to try to put the fire out with his paw (he's such a smart cat!) but I bet he didn't know how flammable his fur was.

So now my cat's on fire and I don't know how to get it out. I've tried covering him with a rag from the garage that I use to put gas in the lawnmower, but then the blanket caught on fire and I had to throw it out the window into my neighbor's Jacuzzi. He's a 6-year-old male American Shorthair, and I think that he might have had pneumonia a few years ago, but he got better.

Does anybody know what I should do?
I know one thing-- in the event of fire, you should immediately solicit advice at the end of a long comment strand on an obscure blog.

Good work!
You've been pre-hazed.
IPSlowGuy if ASPCA didn't already have you arrested, you may want to get yourself a psych evaluation. Drugs often help avoiding isolation in a ward. It seems though isolation from any pet is imperative in your case.
Marta, how do you know so much about the psych ward?
Not such an OBSCURE blog. Not really - QUITE POPULAR with Pandas and terrorists and Unitarians. ANd Liturgical Dancers.
Prof, Osler I know so much about a psych ward because I live in one. The meds didn't do much in my case, but I can say one thing, I never hurt my pet, nor would I if I made it out of here.
I think IPSlawguy may need a good lwyer.
What!!! NO swearing-in party and carnation on the lapel? This is unacceptable. Don't we even get to put water on your head with a scallop shell and Wesson oil on your forehead? Sheesh. I think we should have a Sock Hop in The Gathering Space and champagne and chocolate. I like parties. Seriously,welcome to the family,Professor,and Thanks be to God. You will be needing a hat.
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Dear IPSlawGuy:

For Pitty Patty Sakes! This is an untoward use of catflesh and Twizzlers. By the way,Cats do not reason well,so stop wasting valuable time trying to divine their behavior and thought patterns. He does have a distinguished moniker,perhaps he has creative talent,which everyone knows emanates directly from the heart and not the head. Perhaps you might divert self-destructive impulses by buying him a beret,smock,palette brushes and an easel. Elephant paintings have been known to garner exorbitant prices. Theo could be a gold mine for you. For humor: watch Michele O'Bachmann.
But how will you learn about the ritual drinking that is part of the creed before the Liturgical Dance portion of the initiation ceremony?

As a reformed Baptist, you need all the bell, book, and candle you can get, not to mention incense, in order to get the full flavor of the new religion!


ps: Perhaps there will be film on Youtube? This could go viral rather quickly.
Welcome! We're honored to have you join us.
nancy b+
Welcome!!! We're glad to have you with us.
nancy b+
That's how one musters the nerve to do liturgical dance...ritual imbibification. Chiefly California wines are used. And it is essential that one be barefoot and wearing something diaphanous.It seems a little intense at the outset,but the Baptists have a good deal of catching up to do.
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