Thursday, August 18, 2011


Political Mayhem Thursday: Rick n' Michelle n' Mitt

As I was getting coffee this morning at Dunn Bros., I heard some guys talking about the Iowa Straw Poll like it was crazy. Sorry guys... that's not crazy. Crazy is the system on the planet Naboo, where they elect a governing Queen from among the community's teenage girls.

So, about those Republicans-- I have two questions for you today:

1) The strongest candidates seem to be Perry, Bachmann, and Romney. Which do you think would make the best president? [Personally I agree with David Stockman that Ron Paul is the best candidate, though]

2) If you were the sorting hat, into which house would you place the following Republican candidates? (If you aren't sure, the possibilities are Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytheryn, and Gryffindor. For more info, see this.

-- Congresswoman Bachmann
-- Governor Perry
-- Governor Romney
-- Congressman Paul
-- Senator Palpatine
-- Mr. Cain
-- Governor Huntsman
-- Senator Santorum

Bachman for Queen of Naboo!

Obama is kind of a Hufflepuff.

Huntsman is Ravenclaw.
Perry Romney Bachmann = Slytherin.

And I think you mis-spelled slytherin.
Really, you want a Left leaning Independent. to pick a Republican. ~ Ouch! No can do. I've already have cut back on my TV and radio listening because I can't stand listening to the non-stop speculation.

Now for the sorting hat, hummm....

Slytherin: Bachmann, Perry and Santorum
Hufflepuff: Romney
Ravenclaw: Paul
No opinion on the rest. Who is Senator Palpatine?
Why does electing a governing official from a group of teenage girls seem that crazy considering this line-up of candidates?
This is kind of like asking, "Which disease would you like to kill you - the plague, the pox, or consumption?" and then asking us to assign Star Trek characters to each.

In other words, ditto Christine.
All Slytherin! Except Ron Paul, who is Grryfindor, and Palin, who is from Beau Batons.
2. Bachmann - Hufflepuff
Perry - Slytherin
Romney - Durmstrang
Ron Paul - Ravenclaw or Gryffindor
Palpatine - None of the Above... There can be only two; no more, no less. A master and an apprentice. But who is his apprentice?
The Apprentice is Donald Trump. Or maybe Santorum...
I see that Osler is naming the same "top tier" of candidates that most of the media is- Perry, Romney, Bachmann. No love for Ron Paul? He had a great showing in the Straw Poll.

And before everyone says Ron Paul is crazy, remember, so is Michelle Bachmann!
The current crop of republican candidates would be laughable, if so many were not serious about them.

Perry has been a disaster for Texas - his policies, contrary to his campaign puffers, have brought very good things to his contributors, not good jobs to the state. (By the way, he is an honest politician - he stays bought. And he has sold everything but the capitol, and is probably in negotiations for that.)

He has overseen the wrecking of the Texas public schools, and is trying his best to ruin higher education, although even his cronies have balked at that....

The other candidates may ( oh, horrors) be worse - two loons and some nonentities.

I agree with Anonymous and Christine - bring on the teenage girls!

Ok, fine, then: Which teenage girl should we elect as Queen?
Oh sweet lord, not Rebecca Black.
Agree with AMT. Not a Daily Show devotee, but his bit on the lack of Ron Paul respect was AMAZING.
Every Friday will be fun fun fun fun!
Anon 8:37 - the only problem I see is they don't meet the age requirement.
@Christine - but you know they could get a fake ID.

@Osler - definitely a cheerleader. It's the over-the-head clap that would win the hearts of many (and change policy).
Good Queen Bess was little more than a teenager when she becaame Queen and look at the bang up job she did!
Bachmann/Aqua Buddha in 2012!!!!!!!!!!!
Bachmann - Scholomance
Perry - A&M (it is a school that teaches evil)
Romney - BYU
Paul - Ayn Rand Institute of Being Wrong
Cain - Pizza Tech
Huntsman - University of Beijing (as visiting professor of Obamanomics)
Santorum - St. Froth's School of Mixology
Emperor Palpatine - the Sith Academy on Corriban
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