Tuesday, August 09, 2011


Poetry Cavalcade 8: Found on the Street

Enmeshed in the blue-gray
Snow of New York
Was something so odd
It bore picking up.

There was a time (you know)
When cameras used film
And the image they caught
Was reverse of the world.

This one, futureghost slip of a thing
Tri-X Pan, black and white,
Three images clean.

The first, her dress white (black)
Dancing? There's movement
And grace and a blur.

The second, she's dark (bare)
Unbroken by lines
Suddenly still.

The third, the dress white (black)
Slipping into a car,
The smile is clear.

I tucked them away
I love that story
The shape of a seal
Perfect in form.

Always remember that most things are not what they seem. Even in photographs... and poetry. Lovely.
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