Monday, April 25, 2011


Minnesota Monday

It is Spring in Minnesota. I love the way people ran out their doors once the snow had melted and started running and walking and sitting on stoops and kayaking in surging, roiling Minnehaha Creek. There are buds on the trees, but no leaves yet; they are a promise of what is to be in just a few weeks.

On Saturday night, I went to the Easter Vigil at St. Stephens, and Neil Alan Willard and his crew did some liturgical magic-- bringing that spirit in through the big wooden doors, sifting it into light and calm, and turning it towards the rebirth of man and the promise of forgiveness.

That sounds simply beautiful!

It has been spring for a few weeks in Texas...which means it has been summer for a few weeks in Texas. Plus, everything is on fire. 1.8 million acres, can you believe it?
Pollen season is just about over here (NC). Roses are starting to bloom, tomato plants are ready to bud.
It still looks cold in those pictures - brrrr....
This post makes me happy. Good Lord,we are fortunate to have such country in this city,even if it seems to be covered with snow for an eternity in the winter. I love the Vigil but was in a nogoodevil mood Saturday night and so didn't go.Did you force down any champagne and chocolate afterwards? I should have gone despite my mood. Often I need what I determine I cannot do at the moment. I need to be resurrected. I went the next morning,but it wasn't the same. I got better,but the mystery and the darkness and the incense and the candles and my friends sitting close in the dark,the first fires being lit, and the bells were lost to me. Such beauty. He is Risen,nonetheless.
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