Friday, April 08, 2011


Haiku Friday: Favorite movie scenes

I always loved this scene from Bob Fosse's "All That Jazz," where the Fosse character's girlfriend and daughter create a dance for him. I love the unusual grouping of characters, the joy in it, and the movement and use of space. I saw the movie when it first came out (what were my parents thinking? I was 15!), and always remembered the elegance and love in that scene. He didn't deserve it, but that's the way love works-- it has to be part grace.

What movie scene touched you? It can be an old movie, a new one, or one that is just in your mind...

Here is mine:

Fosse's genius clear:
Beauty from imperfection,
Love is what matters.

Now it is your turn... the formula is 5 (ish) syllables in the first line, 7 in the second, and 5 in the third.

Let's hear it!

I'm not so sure Roy Scheider didn't deserve it. I mean, the guy did save Amity Island from that pesky shark...
My favorite scene
I am still dreaming it up
"The Dinner Party."
Are dancers supposed to sing along like that? It seems unprofessional...
Atticus lost . . . yet
the man says to Scout, “Stand up,
your father’s passing.”
Spin, Mommy, spin I
Know Family is crazy
but it's family
Tevye and Golda
Singing "Do You Love Me" in
Fiddler on the Roof.
"Don't ask me about
my business Kay." And then he
lies. The door swings shut.
He washes her hair
On a plain in Africa
Quoting poetry.
Bluto and D-Day
The Horse-Dean Wormer's Office
Flounder shoots the gun....
Princess Leia says
"I Love You Han!" His reply:
"I know" --He's frozen
"Forgive Me Mother
Superior, I have sinned."
-Sound of Music nun
Walked in ignorant
not knowing what to expect
Sling Blade amazed me.
Minuscule Stonehenge?
Exploding drummer? Bad hair?
This one has eleven!
About that clip: I love the little kiss that Ann Reinking gives the girl at the end.

She's making the girl and her father feel loved at the same time.
They are in this one, too:
A birthday dinner
in Notting Hill. I deserve
the last brownie.
He dumped chum on sea.
"I think you're going to need
a bigger boat." Yeah.
Raining sky never tires.
Two,cabbed,seek orange cat
Kiss holding wet fur

(do commas count? I can't remember? Thank you for providing this poetic outlet!)
The tender giant
akes deathevil out mouse and man Live! he walks green mile.
It puts the lotion
in the basket. Precious?
Don't you hurt my dog!
T-Rex behind car
Looks smaller in the mirror
Must, must go faster!
royal tenenbaums
luke wilson tries to kill self
gets me every time

IPL: LOVE Spinal tap, Animal House


"Is this FAKE blood Max?"
"Why yes it is." "You & Herman
deserve each other."
North Carolina
boy comes home in Junebug; sings
"O Sinner, Come Home."
Here it is.
This is addictive, even if I'm too slow to get them all in on Friday. Clearly I'm still working on the idea of "favorite."

Widow communes with
her husband and his killer;
Blessed assurance.
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