Thursday, March 24, 2011


Political Mayhem Thursday

Since this evening I am giving a presentation on narcotics policy, lets talk about the position apparently held by everyone at the conference except me-- that narcotics should be legalized.

I am against it for two reasons. First, I think the social costs of hard drugs are too high to tolerate (marijuana is a different question).

Second, I do think there are things we can do that will work to curtail drug use-- that's what I am speaking about tonight.

What's your take?

Will the drugs be free? That would be cool.
Just curious.... We already sell 'legal' OTC drugs at Walamrt, Target, CVS, etc...
Yet anytime I need non-narcotic cough medicine (this is a new law in NC) or allergy medicine with decongestant I have to go to the pharmacy counter and give my name, rank and serial # because people use these items for there unintended purposes.

If drugs get 'legalized' will I be able to get the OTC medications I need without feeling like a criminal?
seriously i think that people that would legalize hard drugs have no idea. I cannot imagine that world nor do I even want to.
I agin' it.

But more importantly, I heard another really great sax solo this morning on the way to work.

The Sonics- "Have Love, Will Travel"
freshman year in high school, a buddy of mine got caught smoking cigarettes. his dad went out, bought a pack, and made him smoke the entire pack-- one off another-- until they were gone.
he was sick for a full day and never puffed on another cigarette to this day.
i propose we take the same tack with drugs. make people snort, smoke, shoot, so much of whatever they got caught with that they never want to do it again.
i see absolutely no holes in this suggestion. errrr.... wait.........
man, a whole pack of cigarettes...yummy
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