Sunday, May 02, 2010


Sunday Reflection: The Pastor Departs

Since arriving in Waco, I have had only one pastor: Dr. Raymond Bailey, at Seventh and James Baptist Church. He is a remarkable preacher, and has played a significant role in my life here.

Consistently, Raymond has challenged his congregation. In the best way, he re-examines scripture and ties it to our contemporary challenges, both individually and as a society. That is exactly the kind of challenge I need-- I'm the kind of person who needs to be unsettled in his faith from time to time to be sure it is real. Raymond has been exactly what I have needed.

In his last sermon today, Rev. Bailey issued a challenge once again, to use our own prophetic voices for change. It is a call I intend to heed, and I'm not surprised that Raymond kept pushing us, right up to the end.

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