Wednesday, May 12, 2010


But... was she responsible for the Murder Hotel?

Somehow, I suspect that somewhere along the way somebody is going to imply that 14-year-old Elena Kagan was somehow responsible for the Murder Hotel on her block in New York.

It's unclear whether the actual name of the place was "Murder Hotel," but if it was, it's not surprising bad things happened there.

My parents once stayed in Krakow at the "Krak Hotel." Is that the worst name for a business of all time?

There are TV commercials down here for the "Universal Technical Institute," an automotive vocational school. Their slogan is, "What can UTI do for you?"

My answer is usually "induce painful burning and require us to drink cranberry juice?"
I don't get it. Now I feel dumb.
Lane, there was a radio show, Under the Influence, by the same name that commonly referred to itself as UTI...I was the host
Seeing as I hail from the land of "krak kows" (as my friends continually call it), I'll only say that Krak is everywhere over there. Buildings, menus, streets, maps pointing you in every direction, people wearing shirts proclaiming it as great, tourists coming to buy.
Really not all that suprising when you factor in the legend of how the city was founded. It's all about a guy named Krak chasing a dragon.
Kendall... saying that you hosted a UTI is probably not the most... politic... way of entering a conversation.
I don't know about the Murder Hotel, but I just channel-surfed into a discussion on Fox News which seemed to assume that Elena Kagan is gay. And that it's somehow a problem if she doesn't admit she's gay, because . . . gay marriage will eventually get to the supreme court.

So the Murder Hotel thing would not surprise me.
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