Sunday, April 25, 2010


Sunday Reflection: Rest

[click on the photo to enlarge it]

It has been a busy week. On Sunday, I was in New Haven for Dan Freed's memorial service. On Monday, after getting home after one a.m., I had my last oral advocacy lecture ever with Hulitt Gloer, and then my "last lecture" that night. On Wednesday, I had my last Crim. Prac. and Pro. class at Baylor (which was really emotional for me-- I love that class and the students taking it this quarter), then talked to the first quarter students in the afternoon as part of Intro to Law (and got emotional all over again). Thursday, I spent three hours in the evening talking to volunteers at the Advocacy Center for victims of crime (at a training workshop). Friday, I had an interview with USA Today and the usual end-of-quarter things, then yesterday I went on pretty emotional road trip (details in a few weeks), then stayed laaaaaate at a good party last night.

Now, I am tired. I am physically tired, but also emotionally and spiritually drained. It was a week in which I had to be "on" every day in a public way, in emotion-laden situation.

How should I rest from all this? I am having trouble quieting my soul to confront all that which lays ahead.

Really enjoyable music; a nice glass of wine and time with the family!

Almost forgot - take our vitamins. Winding down from weeks that emotionally and physically draining make one prone to picking up a cold. I know this from experience.
Remember why you chose to be so involved in what you do. That reassurance of your commitment should help. Then, take a break and just be.

Also, if you don't want to give away the location of your secret trip... delete this photo. It is pretty telling.
Also, listen to this song... it is beautiful.

"...Oh, tie me to the end of a kite

So I can go on, I can go on with my life

Everytime the wind blows stronger,

I will feel my spirit rise..."

-from Kite Song, by Rosie Thomas
Alone next to a stream. Listen to the water trickle by, feel the grass beneath you and feel the sun bathe you. Just be in that moment, with nothing else.

Did the late night party not ease the soul? You are losing your touch, sir.
I have a hard time fully decompressing myself, so I can relate . . . usually what does it for me is either a few weekdays at home, without going to work, when I can do whatever I please: sleep late, watch movies, see friends for lunch or dinner. And I mean week days WITHOUT work and without chores, not the stuff you do on Saturday and Sunday. A 4-day weekend, at least.

The other thing is seeing family, either by going to them or having them come to you. As long as there are some times during the family time when you can be alone, I think spending time with family helps.

Ditto Christine's ideas . . .
. . . and I forgot to mention a quickie decompressor: 20 - 30 minutes on the rowing machine or the elliptical, listening to something really kick-ass. The soundtrack from Slumdog Millionaire or Panjabi MC's "Beware", or the Stones, does it for me.
Punjabi MC?
Yes, "Beware"is from a few years ago.

Panjabi MC is a rap-ish group from England who are either Pakistani or Indian, so it's heavily Indian-influenced rap. I think it falls into the category of "bhangra". It's just fantastic, that's all I know! Great bass and rhythm, with some melody, which are my musts for pop music.
Travel abroad.

You'll renew your understanding of who you are, why you're here, and why--in the scheme of things--you're relatively insignificant but have the potential to be essential on your street corner of life.
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