Saturday, April 03, 2010



I think I am still somewhat in denial about this move. There is a lot to do, and I'm not quite doing it yet.

Part of the stall, probably, is that it is sinking in about how many people here I will truly miss. Texas has been very kind to me, and from this community and my students I have received more kindness than I deserved.

This week, I conducted the storytelling exercises for Oral Advocacy. They were excellent-- I couldn't have been more impressed, and I learned something from each presentation. Will King was the bravest (telling about the dark side of Mother Theresa), but so many others obviously worked very hard to get just the right story told in a way that conveyed deep meaning.

If I say that I love my students, that's what I love-- their hard work, the fact that they teach me, and that they trust me to teach them. It's a deep and meaningful and sometimes fragile relationship, and we cannot treat it as anything other than that.

Best of everything with the upcoming move and thank you for offering such a lovely reflection upon the vocation of teaching and formation.

And Happy Easter!

The Lord is Risen.
3 things to pack in your car, not stowed away in boxes: toilet paper, light bulbs, power strips. As someone who has moved across the country several times in several years, let me tell you that when you settle in for the night after a day of unloading boxes, the last thing you want to find is that the sun has already gone down and you have no lights and no toilet paper.
. . . . and no music. Take the iPod and little speakers, or whatever portable music or radio you have. And a couple of towels.

Leaving a dear place is kind of like writing a 20-page paper. You nibble around it at the edges, getting little bits done here and there, but it won't get done until it absolutely has to get done, and there's some pain . . . I think I am still recovering from big moves. But getting to the exciting new place is good, too.
Just remember that the place to which you are going is filled with lots of wonderful people who also need your wisdom, intelligence and mentoring. Don't worry, I will come to visit often.
For my next speech: "Santa Claus - Destroyer of Dreams, Betrayer of Hope."
I feel secure in my knowledge that all of my massive collection of outlines were passed on to good hands.
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