Friday, January 29, 2010


Haiku Friday: Henry Ford's Signature

Today we continue our adventure through the Mayborn Museum's curiosity cabinets, featuring the finds of Dr. Blaine McCormick from deep within those vaults.

Here we have Henry Ford's signature. What can we say about that? Well, here is what Dr. McCormick had to say:

The five dollar day
A car anyone could buy
Modernity comes

and mine:

The hand that wrote this
Shook Edison's, I would think
Small world of brilliance.

And now yours:

Totally off topic, but I have nothing to say about the signature (I am not a fan of the museum haikus). I heard a long-ago favorite song today, so here goes...

Heart of the matter
It is about forgiveness
Even if... you know.
Original car guy
Must have had a woman thing:
Models "T" and "A!"
That's a nice ballcap.
But with a white collared shirt?
Henry help us all.
History is bunk?
I see the human traces.
History is bold.
a tinkering sort
an offbeat intelligence
a new way to shine
Weird guy, that Henry
Like many who change things up
Did he love the sea?
Henry Ford made cars.
Also an anti-semite.
How to judge a man?
The boy from Dearborn
Horace and John and Walter
Pride of New Bedford he
Another Not Henry Ford Haiku

Sad. Missing my friend.
Used to meet and talk and laugh.
Now, she avoids me.
I drive a ford.
It is very very big
Reilable gas pig.
FOR W.C.W. (& perhaps Mr. Ford)

from the

down eighty
years back,

wrote poems.
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