Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Another bearish video from Philley...

Now a short quiz on this video:

1) Why do his teammates sit so far away from the bear?
2) What song is the bear playing on the trumpet?
3) What position does the bear play?
4) How would this bear do in Practice Court?

there are so many great things about this video. the bear is playing a trumpet. the bear picks the ball up and no one calls hand ball. there is a guy being stretched out while the bear just sits 25 ft away and watches. the bear has a uniform. in the full version the bear starts doing barrel rolls down the field.

I don't think this bear could do PC tho bc you can't eat in the PC room during class, and I am pretty sure if he can't have his snacks he might not be so domesticated.
1. respect
2. The bear went over the mountain
3. Goalie
4. Win
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