Thursday, July 09, 2009


Political Mayhem Thursday: What to do about North Korea?

Apparently, North Korea has now engaged in cyber-attacks against the U.S. Given their known links to the panda community, this means that even the Razor may be under threat.

Seriously, though, what (if anything) should the Obama administration do about North Korea? I think a good argument can be made to ignore them publicly while having our intelligence network track what they are doing internationally (to prevent them from selling nuclear arms or technology to terrorists).

I find N. Korea to be an enigma. A country cloaked in darkness with horrible human rights abuses and repression. They struggle (or make it appear) that they have trouble building rockets to launch missiles yet they can commit cybercrimes.

It really doesn't make sense.
Whatever happened to the concept of conquering a country? I mean, the Roman Empire was great and conquered a ton of countries. It was noble and respected.

I'm all for taking them over. Seriously. We wouldn't have to put up with "cyber attacks," failed missile launches, and another crazy country would be subdued. We could rename the country to United States of America Remix or USA II. RRL could be President.
King RRL!

He would look good in the Mao suit, too. He might get ronery, though.
Nuke them, obviously. Isn't that always the answer?
I'm ronery, so ronery.
So ronery, and sadry, arone...

So, absent me becoming King of North Korea, changing the name of the country to Funkytown, USA, and making "Fat Bottomed Girls" the new national anthem, what ELSE should be done about North Korea.

We have tried dealing with them. The 1994 Agreed Framework, negotiated by Jimmy Carter and signed by Clinton, basically said, "give up your nuclear weapons program and reaffirm your commitment to the NPT and we will give you aid and stuff." We gave them aid, and they continued to develop nuclear weapons.

We tried that same strategy again under Bush in the February, 2007 agreement, which North Korea never even made the slightest effort to comply with.

Bottom line, we haven't gotten North Korea right since the Korean conflict, and certainly not since they began attempting to develop a nuclear weapons program.

Obama has said that a combination of sanctions and aggressive diplomacy would basically be his strategy for dealing with North Korea. Well, we've tried diplomacy before with North Korea, it failed. And we've tried sanctions on a number of countries, including North Korea, and they have never been successful.

I also don't think invading North Korea or bombing them is a good idea. Though, targeted strikes on known nuclear facilities might be a necessary last resort.

What should be done then? I got three words for you. National. Missile. Defense. We are closer now than we have been in three decades to developing an effective missile defense system. If we can shoot 'em down then we don't have to worry about who has them. And, if we can shoot 'em down, then we can finally start moving beyond the age of nuclear weapons.

Star Wars is back!
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