Monday, April 13, 2009


Live at 5....

I really can't stand my own voice (I think I sound like an 12-year-old with a cold), so I'll never watch it, but someone else might want to see this interview I did this evening with Julie Hays at KWTX, our CBS station here in Waco. Julie always impresses me-- she not only read the book but really understood it.

OK - I watched. You sound like an 18 yr old with a cold. That is actually the GP, MI nasal - it is a trait inherent to those of us who grew up on a specific street in Michigan and swam in Lake St. Clair on occassion.
Good interview . . .
I think you sounded like a 22-year-old with an obstructed lung.
Don't worry about your voice! I still say "Cawfee" for coffee sometimes, and I'm clinging to that. Stay true to who you are!

Y'all want some cawfee?
Perhaps your boat shoes were on too tight?
Great Interview! that camera work was astounding! PS I'll forget I watched this instead of on our webchannel at, your best source for local news weather and sports.

I fear that I may get the GP nasal from my summer visits. I fear it is already setting in.
A fine job. Far better than this interview:
Trivia - Julie Hays is married to Sam Hays, of the Spring 2008 quarter. She's great.
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