Wednesday, April 08, 2009


The beauty that is... Garfield without Garfield.

Garfield without Garfield; there's nothing else like it. You start with the comic strip, remove the dumb cat, and focus on Jon, the hapless law student portrayed in the strip. It's just beautiful, man.

Wow, I was SURE you had ripped this off from that kid in Northfield, MN, but no, this appears to be an original post.
I had no idea John was a law student but I love Garfield minus Garfield
Three years at Baylor is like one long hurricane. Surely, Lane, like the rest of us, no longer fears hurricanes.
is that ever going to graduate? ANd honestly? IF that guy was really in Law School from what I read on this blog he would NEVER EVER have time to feed a cat never mind take care of it. So WHY is that cat so FAT?? Is he eating the guy's homework???
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