Monday, March 16, 2009


The Authorities

What sources do you find authoritative? I was mulling this subject over with my siblings a few months ago, and here is what we came up with for two people we know (their identities are hidden to protect them from unfair judgment):

Person A:

1) The Bible
2) Shakespeare
3) Proust
4) The New York Times

Person B:

1) That Guy I Sat Next to On The Plane That One Time
2) This Guy At Habitat for Humanity Who Seemed to Know What He Was Talking About
3) Paul Robeson
4) That Story in the New Yorker from 1987

Feel free to list your own relied-upon authorities, or those of your loved ones...

1. Heidi Klum
2. Ina Garten (Food Network)
3. Vanity Fair
4. People on the Today Show (except Al Roker)
5. Oprah, Gayle & Steadman
6. Simon Cowell
7. Iplawbaby
8. Ginger Hunter
9. Barack Obama

Question: WHY was Paul Lynde the CENTER SQUARE?????
1. The Bible
2. Scalia
3. Bob Knight
4. Ann Coulter
5. Professor Powell
Yes!! I made the Tyd list!! Not as high as the trifecta (OGS) but...

My list:
1. God (and his suggested reading list).
2. My stepdad (he watches every news program on earth and distills the news for me daily).
3. French Vogue
4. Professor Powell
5. The Razor
6. Chaucer
7. My mom
8. Tydwbleach
9. Rorschach (If in doubt, I always ask: "What Would Rorschach do?")
1. History
2. The Bible (specifically the Golden Rule and other teachings of Jesus--but I like the OT also)
3. The Gettysburg Address and the Second Inaugural
4. The Constitution
5. Letter From a Birmingham Jail
6. Federalists #10 & 51
7. The Godfather
8. Larry McMurtry
9. Naymond Keathley
10. Mark Osler on federal sentencing
1. Wikipedia
2. Google
3. Westlaw

... in that order.
I don't have a list. I'm not sure I think any source is authoritative except for my mother and Bill Underwood.

However, I do think that including the New York Times on a list of sources that are authoritative is the best joke that has ever appeared on the Razor.
I will believe anything I read.
1. 24
2. Ricky Gervais
3. Anyone who says, "That's so true."
4. THEY (Of "You know, THEY say...")
5. Chuck Norris
6. Melissa Essary
7. Blogs
8. E.F. Hutton
9. Jim Cramer
10. Tea leaves
From my first days...

1. Bible and Church Canons of Eastern Orthodoxy
2. U.S. Constitution
3. ancient folk wisdom, passed down through the ages.

From Law School
4. The UCC
5. Federal Rules of Evidence

- Chicago
I know who person B is above!

Proust? Someday I must attempt to read some of his Opus.

Depends upon the subject. I trust the Baseball Encyclopedia for historical batting and pitching figures, but not for legal citations.
1. Jesus
2. The rest of The Good Book
3. General Stonewall Jackson
4. Billy Graham
5. Dad
6. Will Davis
Unidentified Woman.
1. NPR (except that new age music show and people who call in to Talk of the Nation or the Diane Rehm Show)
2. Jim Lehrer
3. Frontline
4. wikipedia (shown in studies to have fewer errors than Britannica)
5. New York Times
6. Bruce Valanche
You're right, that ol' liberal scandal sheet is worthless! The editors should be burned at the stake! We should burn all the copies in the world, along with all known copies of Led Zeppelin IV!Also out are those danged kids with thier shiny auto-mo-biles and their rock music! Get off of my lawn, yer durned hooligans!

[above: proof that children do understand and embrace sarcasm]

Now for my list:
1) The Bible
2) The New York Times
3) Prof. Osler
4) Argbf
5) IPLawCat
6) David St. Hubbins
7) My Facebook news ticker
8) Ice-Bat
1. The BBC
2. The New York Times

BTW, anybody who thinks the world's greatest news-gathering organization (The New York Times) is a "joke," clearly hasn't done his/her homework, doesn't understand the concept of news-gathering, and thinks Rush Limbaugh is God.

1) Rush Limbaugh
2) Mark Levine
3) Bill O'Reilly
4) Michael Savage
5) Ted Nugent
6) Dick Cheney
7) Karl Rove ("The Rovester!")
8) Prof. Powell
My Mother's List
1) Dr Phil
2) Nirvana
3) Someone I work with's daughter's friend...or was it her cousin?

1) Drudge Report
2) Prof. Guinn
3) My dad told me while we were cleaning the plane/cutting hay/drinking Coors and staring at the Christmas tree

1) Wikipedia
2) MC Rove
3) Paul Lynde
Man, I love this place:

1. Micah - I like Led Zeppelin IV, but I am in fact not a big fan of hooligans;

2. Kendall - good call;

3. I do not think Rush Limbaugh is God. God would never be as generous to liberals as Rush Limbaugh is.

You all enjoy another Maureen Dowd editorial or Paul Krugman screed, I'm going to go watch Sean Hannity while listening to Glen Miller records and complaining about all the foreigners that are taking jobs from honest hardworking Americans.

Oh, and what is sarcasm? Because I'm just some dumb old redneck that hates the New York Times because that is what Ann Coulter told me to do, not because I've read it and decided that I don't find it reliable, so I certainly wouldn't understand such big fancy words...
Depends on the context. Generally, in life, I think I listen to my parents more than anyone else.

For matters philosophical, I trust Edmund Husserl. Can't go wrong with that guy.
1 ~ The BBC
2 ~ The NY Times
3 ~ My Dad (with regard to the markets)
4 ~ Ida (with regard to growing things)
5 ~ The Jon Stewart Show
6 ~ Bill Moyers

I just found my husbands Led Zeppelin LPs the other day along with 860 other LPS - ugh
How did he manage to hide 861 albums from you, Christine???
He didn't hide them. We just retrieved them from his Mom's garage and I catalogued them. No point in having 860+ LPs and not knowing what you have or what box it is stored in (10 boxes). I did this while it rained for 4 days

I will be doing this with the laser disc when I move it up from Tampa. Fortunately, there are only 400+ movies in this collection.

The boxes are now the base of my work table in the basement. Out of sight, out of mind.
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