Friday, January 30, 2009


Haiku Friday of the Finals

For the rest of the world, it is a normal Friday. But at Baylor Law, it is the Friday before finals, when people think they should be studying (and they are right).

There is only one theme this week: anxiety.

Here is my entry:

Professors do have
Test anxiety dream, too-
Forgot to give test.

Now it is your turn. It doesn't have to be about tests; just whatever it is that makes you anxious.

Blag-o not anxious.
Conclusion: Impeachment NOT
as bad as exams!
To study or not?
Law Tests are overrated.
Spelling Tests, harder!
Baylor Law exams?
Needed some bailout answers!
Blame Baylor execs.
New nursing intern,
Mine to train. Have to spoonfeed

She scares the daylights
Out of me, other nurses.
Need to talk to boss.

Mrs. CL
Appearing, I am
in the morn with the sun. Ever
do I fear the judge.
Habeas final
So much stuff to memorize
What the heck's a "trial?"
Only exam that
matters is the BAR EXAM!
Anxious enough yet?

--I was not the greatest student, yet I have a good career as do many others like me. Don't freak out!
IPLawGuy, smart!
Me, not so good at thinking
Hello, PC II!
I have to stay calm
When anxious parents call me
Want me to change minds

Of admissions deans.
Hard not to absorb others'
Anxieties. Whew.
Friday 'fore finals
Practice Court next quarter too
Should've been a nurse.
I WAS one of those
Nursing students. I sucked. AND
we had to wear "The Whites."

not bad enough
that I sucked, ALSO looked like
Good Humor, w/ BIG shoes.

Hair in bun, "the whites"
no jewelry, BIG white shoes: Take
pity on the newbies.

I am not a nurse.
Did not have the nerves O'steel.
Mrs CL = Hero!!!! :)
I have no finals
Nor a job, apparently
Easy day for Lane.
High anxiety,
Show up to exam with no clothes,
Arrested streaker.
I dream in numbers
went out with a girl last night
still dreamed of numbers.
Brennan, you would be
Dating before finals! *Sigh*
No third line in me.
Tyd, thanks for the shout. I had to wear whites, too. That was painful.

Mrs. CL
Test! Again? So Soon?
The special Baylor culture.
Hazing is not fun.
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