Wednesday, November 12, 2008



After yesterday's argument in the Supreme Court, I was interested in finding out more about the religion of Summum, which is the group suing to put their symbols in a public park. From their website, I figured out that this religion involves all of the following:

-- extraterrestrials
-- pilgrims
-- drinking liquor
-- sex
-- pyramids
-- exercise
-- "Mummy bears"
-- Egypt
-- thinking, but not too hard

Jessica, over at Female Parts, has an even better take on this Summum thing...

I need to move to Utah.
Sounds like this guy watched too much early Star Trek. Although the concept of 'teleporting' sounds intriguing.
They're pretty mild as far as the whacky religions go. Or at least, they're harmless, unlike Scientologists. If the Decalogue gets posted, why not their crazy aphorisms, too?

Of course, we could just take all religious displays out of public places and leave them halls of purely secular power, unable to disturb or be disturbed by clerical matters.
Yeah, it sounds like Summum was itchin' for a Supreme Court case to test the religious-affiliated displays in public places . . . it gets way too complicated, to have one and not another, and even to dispute that. . . I agree with Lane.
Lane and Swissgirl are right. What has religion ever done for this country?
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