Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Pardons from all over

Having slaughtered some birds myself, I can't say there is anything neccessarily wrong with Sarah Palin's unusual turkey-pardoning ceremony, but there is something about it that is just inherently funny:

Meanwhile, there are a divergent views on the pardons doled out by President Bush. He pardoned a small group of people, seemingly at random, and then (not to be outdone by Palin), he pardoned a turkey, too:

In Thanksgiving Tradition, Bush Pardons Scooter Libby In Giant Turkey Costume

Of course, I have already issued my rant on that particular pardon.

Of course Bush was going to Pardon Scooter Libby. He was the designated fall guy for the administration. I would have expected nothing less. It is the other pardons that will be interesting.

Wouldn't it be itneresting to see Bush in a turkey suit at the farm with Palin? Gobble, Gobble...
I'm glad they didn't roast him instead.

I wonder what "bad word" the turkey said?
She is sooooo clueless sometimes. I think McCain is NOT a bad guy, very very smart, but honestly I don't know HOW he could have picked her.
You know, the New Yorker had an article on like the "Midnight" decisions or regulations or whatever they called it of a lame duck outgoing President and Bush's are supposed to be stuff that is really going to be bad and also irreversible. I would bet that no one even notices them with Obama picking his cabinet now and all the economy stuff.
Twd -
Rachel Maddow has been featuring them each night on her show.
Oh my god, I cannot listen to that woman!!! What a bizarre video, of her carrying on with the guy killing turkeys in the background. It's like some kind of absurdist film . . . crazy.
Is he KILLING the turkeys in the background? Or is he just like draining them? ewww soooo gross I really do NOT want to know where my food comes from.

Seriously. No.
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