Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Job tip

The AZ Public Defender said the following in a comment yesterday, and I just had to give it a solo post, because I think it is info some people may want to know...

Ever thought about becoming a PD in Arizona? We start attorneys at close to $58k, great benefits, and up to $500/month in loan repayment.

Are they hiring interns? Because I'm looking for a public defender internship for next summer.
Meanwhile, Osler is becoming the burger chef? Does he actually make burgers?
BURGER CHEF!!!! I remember the one we had in GP It was like the only fast food in the entire town. Then soon I think it became, what a HARDEES I guess? Then I moved away.

I could NEVER EVER EVER be a lawyer I think you need like nerves of steel.
We do hire an intern every summer. It think there is some pay, but not a whole lot.
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