Friday, November 07, 2008


Ha-choo Haiku Friday

Tomorrow, when finals are over, everyone is officially allowed to get sick.

Here are a few topics for today's haiku extravaganza:

1) Passing the bar!
2) The end of finals
3) Better uses for CNN's holograms
4) Braniff Airlines
5) McCain v. Palin
6) Graduation
7) Obama!
8) What Hillary thought
9) Baylor in the news for the wrong reasons again
10) Christmas stuff in the stores already?

Here is mine:

I'll have coffee, please!
I did love flying Braniff
Airline run by elves.

Now it is your turn...

Ok, well then.

Scarf, pumps, NOT meant to
distract. Scarf in the way of
bodily fluids.

No Braniff outfit,
Not sure where THAT came from....
will sit back and smile.

Mrs. CL
Obama is Prez.
Biden's Veep. Mediation
is in like a week.

Soon this drama of
my Splodin' house will be a
memory. Like the Goat.

November is here.
WHen did that happen? Christmas
just around the bend.
Some racist comments.
A noose. A lot of bad press.
Nineteen fifty-four?

A Christian school
Reflects Christianity
With diversity.

And it must begin
With more diversity
At every level.

Words I'll Remember:
"I'll be your President too."
To me, says it all.
My last airline meal:
Mush, okra, and soylent green.
Served with a frown.
First there was a noose.
Then second place for the Bar.
What next? Bear mauls prof?
Engagement Party
Tomorrow at seven (eve)
Osler's invited!

Thank God Finals are Over
Now I have to clean...
OMG! Bear! Help!
Get this hairy thing out of...
Oh, it's just Bates.
Grrr. Prof yells haiku.
Yet there is one big problem.
Missing syllable.
As usual, the
Problem's caused by "Bates"
One syl or two? Huh.
Hillary smiled
But inside she had a thought
Of her, the crowd, cheers.
Braniff in Dallas
Home was "Love" Field- perfect name
Grooviest airport!
Hallowe'en is gone,
Thanksgiving china is out,
Tree is now waiting.
Shame on you, Baylor
Why do some students act like

Coco loves South Park
But I don't think Braniff does
End of show was changed
Law finals ended
Party with law students, whooooo!!!
Saturday not fun.
I pass'd the Bar, but
Did not pass the MPRE
Retake it, stupid.

(Professor, I promise, I really did pay attention in your Professional Responsibility class! I just overthink ethical situations. And no, RRL, this isn't proof that godless communists have no scruples.)
Hillary's thinking,
"It should have been me, it should
Have been me, it should . . . "

In any other
Election, maybe it could
Have. Not the right time.
Crap! He beat McCain.
I could have beat McCain too,
I'll be back soon.
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