Friday, October 31, 2008


Halloween Haiku Extravaganza

First off, Lane's comment to yesterday's post ("Don't blame me, I voted for Argbf") made me snarf. Good one.

The picture above is the most halloween-y one I could find. It depicts, of course, Swanburg's Mom on stage with Meatloaf. (Her description of that relationship, by the way, was one of my favorite moments here).

So, here are the topics for this week's haiku:

1) Halloween memories
2) Best halloween costumes
3) The Phillies!
4) Grar v. Argbf
5) That other election
6) The states of Florida and North Carolina
7) Woodley Park
8) Finals!
9) The Serr-a-thon
10) Cabbage Patch Kids

Best costume ever:
Giant Snoopy costume, white

Now, it is your turn...

Cabbage Patch Tyrants
Emerge boldly. From the box
Rulers of the toys.
I live in both states
Swing State status follows me
Where should I move next?

Which state needs my vote?
Florida is still my home
I vote absentee

I don't get NC
They let you register and
vote on the same day

Early voting lines
in both states are very long
Is it a good sign?


I dressed as a clown
I was a clown every year
The costume still fits

Maybe this year, I
can dress as an Obama
Mama supporter
I remember that
Clown costume; excellent suit
Barnes school champion?
Woodley Park, full of
Fat lumbering Iowans
Chased by pandas.
Vivid memory
Diembodied Snoopy head
In Osler's bedroom
That should be "disembodied"
1 little bo peep
waitress at hooters today
going there at noon
My neighbors golden
just stole a bag of cat treats
now that's a real trick

lucky he doesn't
live in Woodley Park, or he
might prefer panda


Happy Halloween
This year I want to be green
I need a good broom


Barnes school champ one year
Miss Schmid liked my clown costume
Mr. King didn't
Flying nun, age 5
Our Catholic housekeeper
worked hard to mold me
Stomping through the snow,
Pirate costume and parka,
Arg! but it's cold here.
North Carolina
and Florida should vote for
OBAMA - Holla.
Folks complain too much
about the Serr-a-thon, man,
I thought it was tight

You can't rush the man
Just chill, think, and let Papa
Bear do his damn thing!
Halloween voting:
Do Costumed votes violate
the Election Code?

SOS Office
Will not answer the query,
I will go as Spock.
Halloween, and yet
No changing leaves, and finals...
I miss Albany.
I was Barbara Bush. HA!
White wig, blue dress, pearls.

Best was 8th grade with
my pal Nancy Lowichik
She's a car. Me? Boat.

Costumes were HUGE and
cardboard. We spent hours making
them. Really fun year.

One year I was a
tea bag. Stupid. No one knew
what I was. I did.

Spencer is going
as a fireman this year.
He glows in the dark.

Having the Dylan
Moms over. Two moms, two kids.
North Carolina.
Lived there my first eighteen years.
Glad I'm not there now.
Saw the Phillies lose
to my sad Nationals once
maybe twice this year

Space alien guy,
Biker guy - leather jacket
Nothing memorable

Main rule for costumes:
Do not restrict arm movement
Need to hold beer glass
I’m Tina Turner
Got the dress and wig to match
Not looking for Ike

Good one. My favorite so far.
Me too, TallTenor
About NC . . . although I'm
Sometimes nostalgic.

Woodley Park's full of
Costumed younger folks, going
To Adams-Morgan

Where the Halloween
Action is. Saw it tonight,
But no pandas. Only

A neighbor guy, in
My elevator, dressed as
A yellow rooster.
No trick or treaters?!
My plastic skeleton is sad
Candy, anyone?
Gorilla Costume
"You look like my mom in law!"
Trick or Treat laugher
I must have bought at
least thirty pounds of candy.
We ran out at 8:00PM!!!!!!

Dylan Moms had fun,
were fun! Kids were just BONKERS!
Off the wall crazy.

They liked my soup!! Made
Butternut Squash soup. Garlic,
white wine, onion, thyme....

Spencer was fireman,
Dylan: Power Ranger, and
Alex was Piglet.

Mediation is
soon. Hopefully an ending.
SO GREAT to be HOME!!!!!

Ever have a bad
scary year and then look back?
Don't know how I made it.

Had help from friends who
are lawyers and lawyers who
have become friends.

Would pay them triple if I could.
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