Monday, September 15, 2008


More News From Utah!

This summer, I finished work on an article titled "Policy, Uniformity, Discretion, and Congress's Sentencing Acid Trip" (which you can download here). Here is the first paragraph:

Around 1970, singer Harry Nilsson went on an acid trip. He later reported that during this experience, he “looked at the trees and… realized that they all came to points, and the little branches came to points and the houses came to a point. I thought ‘Oh! Everything has a point and if it doesn’t, then there’s a point to it.’

Now, I realize, this may not seem so academic, but it does get that way after a while. The thesis is that the Sentencing Guidelines have so many policy goals that they effectively have none, making them morally indeterminate.

I'm happy to report that the article will run in the BYU Law Review in April. I'm a fan of that school and journal, so I'm excited to have placed it there. I don't know the cite yet, but I would imagine that if you do an internet search (after April) for the terms "Acid Trip" and "Brigham Young University," this article will be the only result.

I guess your article was destined for BYU when I helped you find sources for it.
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