Friday, June 13, 2008


Haiku Friday with a glass of wine

[graphics courtesy, I think, of The Onion.

First of all, let me give you a summer wine recommendation: Clos du Bois pinot grigio. Sure, it's lightweight and a little grassy, but that's what summer is all about, right? I wouldn't have it with grilled burgers, but it is perfect for sipping on a deck by a lake somewhere.

Now, to the Haiku. Here are the topics:

1) Euro 2008
2) The world's best coffee and/or donut
3) What to wear on the beach
4) Airlines make me mad
5) The pool
6) Summer wine
7) Reality television
8) Grand Jury
9) San Francisco
10) Tomatoes

Here is mine:

"The World's Best Donuts"
For once, a sign that is true--
Grand Marais, MN

Now it is your turn--

The world's best coffee
Wood-paneled cake shop in Zurich
Schwartzenbach's cafe creme;

Or roadside cafe,
Tuscany. First espresso
Outside Switzerland,

Roasted heaven in
White ceramic, aroma
Of earth and lived life.
The Euro...when there
Are that many Germans in
Austria its bad.
Is that... no true bill?
I sit in fear in the hall
Nervously waiting.
Airlines make me mad
Never flying out on time
Amer'can Eagle
Turkey seeking Yes
From E.U.; maybe Swiss loss
will get Them a win


Melancholy kid
Last law school quarter; July bar
Summer wines? Needed.


Weekend? What is that?
Many florescent lights; few trees.
Post-bar trip, past due.
Poland, oh so close!
Then the ref gives game away!
Who paid off the ref?
If I were the King
I would ban Speedo bathing
Suits. No exceptions.

For RRL:

The contraction for
"It is" is "It's". NOT "Its". I
Expected better

Of Razor readers.
Students make this mistake all
Of the time, alas.
Hi grammar nazi!!
Your currect, me no make good so slow!!

It doesn't help that
I get all my info from
Rush Limbaugh podcast.
Summer in San Fran
call'd coldest winter ever
-Samuel Clemens
Scandal! But died as you lived.
Rest in peace, chimp.
Scandal! But died as you lived.
Rest in peace, chimp.
Some may disagree
But there are good wines with a
Chair on the Label
Wanted to shake him:

PS: my birthday
Is this wednesday, June 18th
I'll take gifts of wine. :)
Head-butt--a Frenchman's
Unfortunate finale.
I want the sequel.

High school rubberband
Car didn't stop. There is no
Energy crisis.
Ashley DeForest
Number Three on the Feb Bar
Pretty damn awesome.
Next week at this time
Will be boarding for London.
Don't confiscate that!
One part of Tulsa
I miss: Nordaggio's chai
Best I've ever had
Euro '08 rocks!
I love the power farting--
Swiss beat Dutch and French.
Coffee in Madrid,
Is Cafe Comercial,
No competition.
world's best coffee ice
cream: Haagen Dasz. The World's best
coffee is green tea.

Today we picked out
lights. Picking out tile in the
morning. With Habib.

I LOVE Habib. He's
the nicest, smartest, coolest,
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