Saturday, May 31, 2008


Police hoping to pull out of Detroit by the year 2012

... or so the anchorman claims at the end of the news story here, which is actually about something else (hockey). I'm glad to hear that the year 2012 is going to be so important to something other than Baylor and The Mayans.

NHL Star Called Up To Big Leagues To Play For NFL Team

THE WINGS WON!! I know you already know this. However, I want to convey my excitement.

As far as the class and what you're teaching us, all of us love that class. Everyone that I've spoken to about it (about 5 or 6) agrees that its the best course we've experienced so far.

That quote was actually edited. When Daniel and I were talking about it at the bar and telling everyone they need to take the course, we made it a little more explicit. However, we didn't say thats what you had.

I think you should join this group:
its a very good cause. That cause of course being making me not lose face by being the first to cave.
By the way, I've tried to remind myself to tone down my blog so its not so edgy. I'm hoping to have it politically correct enough to have a link by graduation. Censoring myself is difficult because I try to tell it the first time right off the top of my head when I make a joke. However, that tends to lead to foul language or a bit too edgy of a joke. I realized that its necessary to censor myself for future employers.
Remind me Monday and I can explain the circumstances of the facebook group. I'll probably have to email the explanation because I have Con Law right after Crim Prac. I think you'll be amused as to the reason I really made it. I'll have to invoke something similar to the privacy between an attorney and client because that would defeat the purpose of the group otherwise.
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