Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Thanks for all the ideas!

I kept the last post up all day because I was really enjoying all the great advice on cars. I loved many of the suggestions based on your own experiences. I can't say that it eliminated any of the options, but it did make me feel like it is a good group to choose from and gave me new perspectives on each.

I'm hoping to decide by the end of the month-- we'll see how that project goes!

For now, I'm thinking about class. My performance in PR yesterday was sub-par and that means I have to make tomorrow above average...

That's what is so challenging about teaching, from my experience: even on a day when you think it'll go well and you're prepared, somehow it falls flat. It may have to do with how the students respond--or don't respond--or with anything else, like something the students have experienced that you don't know about, but that subtly affects the dynamic in class.

Or you react in a way that surprises you to something someone says . . . or the room is too hot or too cold, or the light's bad . . . anyway, I found teaching incredibly challenging for all its uncertainties.

It's one of those jobs--like being a trial lawyer, I guess--where it's pretty impossible to have it go as well as you want, every time.
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