Thursday, January 03, 2008


Vous devriez acheter nouveau Citroen C4 parce que c'est vivant avec la technologie!

I had a car like that once. Except, instead of transforming into a robot and dancing, parts just fell off all the time and it wouldn't start most days.
C'est le "Boogie" canin très efficace. Je voudrais commenter que les voitures de Citroen ne sont pas contenu acceptable pour cet arrangment contradictoire des mots que vous appelez un "blog". Vous rendiez-vous compte que beaucoup de criminels et terroristes se soient transportés dans des automobiles de Citroen ? Achat SmartCars -- les carriges horseless avec vos valeurs famliy !
Will the French Communists be on the Michigan Primary ballot? Or will they opt, as the Democrats, for a sham primary, defering to the economic powerhouse that is Iowa. With Detroit (and Michigan in general) in economic shambles, its a shame that there will be virtually no attention paid to the state primary. Interestingly, the Detroit News has endorsed McCaine on the Republican side (no endorsement given to a Democrat)
La Francia no vale madre.
I figured out why this French thing is happening! They went and banned smoking in French cafe's, thereby changing an entire way of life. How would Sartre even exist without smoking?

How does one look sullen and bitter and bored with life without a Gaulois or Gitane?
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