Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Big trials underway as we get close to the end...

Practice Court big trials began yesterday, so for the next few weeks I will be spending my afternoons and evenings in the courtrooms. For those of you not at Baylor law, the Big Trial is the final exercise of the Practice Court program, and is (duh) a simulated big trial.

For students and profs alike, Big Trial is a stressful time. We often don't get done until 8 or 9 at night, and afterwards I feel a little woozy-- and unlike the students, I got a decent amount of sleep the night before. Compounding the time crunch is the fact that PC students also must serve as judges, witnesses, and jurors in other trials during the same period.

Though sometimes it may seem like the discovery process has erased the brains (or at least that part which comprehends evidence rules) of some students, the Big Trials as a whole are pretty impressive displays by our students. Walking out, they usually feel a sense of relief and accomplishment-- at least until they remember that finals and the bar exam loom in the near future.

I was so thankful that my big trial was on the first day. When it was over, "darkness warshed over the dude . . . darker than a black steer's tucus on a moonless prairie night."
True Big Trial story-- I had an opposing counsel who called 14 witnesses, and we were there past midnight. And the prof. stayed the whole time...
but was he awake?
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