Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Another Great Use for Big Red®-- America's favorite red beverage!

For those of you who didn't see it, Mrs. CL slipped this recipe for Big Red ice cream into the comments section from the previous post:

2 cans eagle brand milk
2 qts. frozen strawberries
2-3 32 oz bottles of Big Red

Put in ice cream freezer, filling to top with Big Red. Makes one gallon. May substitute orange drinks and 8 oz.crushed pineapple for Big Red and strawberries.


Nothing sells hip carbonated beverages like a 12-oz. can of beverage history. Big Red was invented in 1937 in Waco, Texas, by Dr Pepper (though the family had not yet dropped the "." in "Dr"). It was called "Sun Tang Red Cream Soda" until the 1950s, when the beatnik directors stole the new name from their black caddies.
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