Monday, December 03, 2007


So... what can I get for $20 million?

I've often wondered if there are conditions attached to law school gifts, and it appears that, at least at the new school at UC-Irvine, the answer is a strong "yes." Whether this affected the hiring/firing/hiring of Erwin Chemerinsky there as the dean is a matter of some dispute. However, the LA Times does seem confident of the following:

UC Irvine gave Orange County billionaire Donald Bren the right to be consulted in the selection of a dean for its new law school in return for his $20-million donation, according to documents released to The Times on Thursday.

The eight-page gift agreement reveals the scope of what Bren received for his money, ranging from major matters such as selection of the dean to specific rules governing how prominently signs featuring his name were to be displayed on the campus.

Signs on law school buildings must read "Donald Bren School of Law" and be at least twice the size of the building name. Bren's must be the largest and most prominently displayed name on the building, according to the agreement.

Aren't tax-deductible gifts supposed to be given without any receipt of anything in return? So will this fella still get taxed on his $20mil gift?
With an ego like that I'm surprised he is not a lawyer.
I've got a few hundred to spare...what will that get me at Baylor? I'm thinking I want Osler to change his name to mine...Anonymous sounds good.
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