Friday, November 09, 2007


Welcome, Haiku Friday

Rarely are Haiku Fridays as eagerly awaited as during finals week. Today is the last of the exams, and I think we will all be glad to see it pass. Monday is the start of a new quarter, and it all begins again.

Here are some themes for this week:

1) Professional wrestlers
2) Lawyer-heroes of Pakistan
3) Death of a laptop
4) Austin, Texas
5) C. Montgomery Burns
6) Flying cars
7) Baylor dancing
8) Thurston Howell III
9) Thanksgiving
10) The perfect test

Here is mine for the week:

Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Virtuoso of the mat
He pinned Andre.

Now it is your turn-- 5 syllables/7 syllables/5 syllables is the code.

I fear PC exam
It can do terrible things--
May Schnupp on my dreams.
Oh friendly laptop,
Though hast burnt, gone and left me,
Alone and unlov'd.
Evil laptop, Dell
Waited until worst moment
To self-immolate
In about two hours
PC II will rock our worlds
It's Go Time, baby!
Austin Texas. Sigh.
You were my family's home.
Now we are Yankees.

We miss you Texas.
And dream of a swift return
To a simpler life.

Much shorter commute
Less stress; less anxiety.
Please let the day come.
Austin, Texas now:
Commuter's daily nightmare
Die daily in traffic
Austin, not Zurich:
Not hard to tell them apart--
Humidity, yes,

But it was those bands
In Sixth-Street bars, spilling their
Brash tunes shamelessly,

More New Orleans than
Stately European. Great
Culture shock, for sure.
tax code makes head hurt
wanna hear Robert Johnson
bottleneck haiku
Oh, Austin Schmawstin!
Waco is the place to be-
Home of Alico!
Excellent, Smithers!
Our private nuclear plant
Brings in the big bucks!
Anon. 10:29--

I'm haiku-impaired
But I just want to thank you:
Used "Schnupp" as a verb.
Canadian Earthquake
Best grappler of the 90's
Fat and fast: Bad news.
Tonight at Scruffy's
I will be Schnupping, oh yeah
On my poor class notes.
an 80s villian
now Rowdy Roddy Piper
has a lame website
PC test was tough;
But made the Bar seem standard.
Good luck, you'll do fine.

But as for Fed Tax;
I recommend an adjunct.
No grade below C.
We now live on goat
farm. More serene than Fake France.
Almost too serene.

Well water is quite
interesting. Chock full of
minerals I guess.

The house is kooky
but its not forever so
kooky is okay.

In Laws here for two
weeks. Spencer loves them
so much. We all do.

Much to do for the
legal case. Learning a lot.
Mediation soon.

Bill got new alarm.
Plays cds. Woke to Muddy
Waters "I'm a man."

Yesterday woke to
John Lee Hooker's "Mama Talk
to your Daughter ." ARRRGH!

I 've got the Blues, day
and night. Hear it in my sleep.
Literally. BLECCCH.

Have theory about
the Blues. Sad Music, bad to
dance to. Girls hate this.

That's why Bluesmen are
so sad. They're lonely. THEY SHOULD
sing HAPPIER songs.

Happy songs make girls
want to dance, come to gigs, and
DATE the bluesmen, see?

Bill does not accept
this theory. Says I do not
know 'bout anything.

Says he will get huge
bloodhound, and name it "Bootsie
Collins." Now I'm blue.
My car already flies!
If I jump the overpass
And knock down the rail.
I am disturb'd by
Osler's encyclopedic
Knowledge of "wrestling"
Best wrestler: Bruiser!
Dick The Bruiser ruled all
Ironhead pugilist.
Who is best wrestler?
Macho Man Randy Savage!
He got the hot chick.
What is up, Osler?
Comment moderation on.
Musharraf. Burma.
The end in sight? Cruel hoax;
Rats in maze, where's the exit?
All poison, no cheese
Thanksgiving turkey
Will be vomited over
T&E2 grades
All hail, Fred Blassie!
No "Pencil-Necked Geek," he stood
Tall, Unafraid, Proud.
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