Thursday, November 15, 2007


Gosh, thanks Dada Drummer!

The Dada Drummer has been giving out fake gifts [er, .gifs?] as kind of a pre-Christmas celebration. Look what I got: This great t-shirt making the link between narcotics trafficking and metric system education!

It is pretty much true-- after all, I used the term "kilo" twice today in class. That's more metric system chatter than entire small towns in East Texas will utter over an entire decade.

Why do you have to do it with the "East Texas" comments? I leave BLS, and all of the sudden, it's open season on rednecks!
Prof. Osler,

I can assure you that the Tyler Rose Festival has always measured the train of the Rose Queen's gown in meters.

Another affirmation that the hearts and minds of Smith County are in the right place.

I didn't do it while you were here because I was scared of you. I still can't bring myself to eat a fried pie.


I heard that Jasper's high school graduation is held at a four hectare rodeo arena!
I wonder why drugs get measured metrically, anyway . . ? Because the metric system measures smaller quantities?

I remember when Jimmy Carter tried so earnestly to get the US to convert to the metric system. A crashing failure. But now I have to use it all the time . . . and Celsius, which I will never ever get used to. Like today it was -4 which really means about 25.
What's a dime bag or a nickel bag anyway? Are those metric measurements?
Haysoos! Just because I'm from Overton doesn't mean I'm a raging methhead.

(We prefer caffeine! In kilos. With crack sprinkles.)
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