Tuesday, September 18, 2007



Upon arrival at LAX, I encountered a typical member of a group that the Dada Drummer must really love: Those people who put fashion, of some type, before the ability to do their job. Up until yesterday, I thought the premier example of this was the cashier with extravagant fingernails, who must very lightly and slowly tap the keys as the check-out line grows.

But then I met Supershuttle Sue. Her job was to stand at the curb and direct people to the proper van for their destination. However, for some reason Sue was wearing a ski parka with the neck zipped up over her mouth, making it impossible to hear what she was saying. The parka was a very strange affectation, given that it was 70 degrees out, but at least it was an official-looking Supershuttle parka! Our conversation went like this:

Me: Hi! I'm going to Redondo Beach.
Her: Mmmmph. Mmmmmph.
Me: I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you.
Her: Mmmmmph! Mmmmmmph! [pointing] Mmmmph!

At this point I just got on a van and hoped for the best.

70 degrees is considered "COLD" by many Angelenos.
I always wondered what happened to Kenny after he was killed on Southpark.
Bill grew up in Ventura, and hisparents are always cold. In fact they do not have AC in thier house, because they say that since they live so slose to the ocean the "don't need it."

I need AC almost all of the time. I hate heat. When they comke to visit us here in Oregon, esp uring Monsoon Season (AKA - FALL WINTER AND SPRING) they are always freezing and need 175 lbs of blankets on their bed.
Gee Uhmm maybe I need some kind of remedial typing class....
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