Saturday, September 01, 2007


September 17-- Law School Smackdown!

Chicago has apparently arranged a Federalist Society debate between me and Prof. Serr on Sept. 17. Thus, in the next few weeks, you can expect to hear a LOT of trash-talking. I can't remember what the topic is, exactly, but I think it is one of the following:

1) Capital Punishment: Does it have a role in Practice Court?

2) The Fourth Amendment and Monty Python

3) Are you going to finish those fries?

Anyways, the whole thing is going to finish with a liturgical dance-off, so you will probably want to be there.

Just finish every statement with "So says the Prophet". That will give Serr some problems.
May I intervene in this debate? The only thing that has ever made me reconsider my personal opposition to capital punishment is my experience in practice court.
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