Friday, May 11, 2007


You can probably tell which parts were suggested by the sorting hat...

So, remember that brief I was working on while stomping around and muttering and wearing the sorting hat (which sings along and makes suggestions)? I still haven't figured out how to link to documents, but my friend Doug Berman has. Doug runs one of the most influential blogs in the legal world, Sentencing Law and Policy. Since June, 2004, it has had over 2 million hits-- and that's people who want to read about sentencing policy.

Anyways, if you want to read that relatively short reply brief, you can link to it here. Just click on the link marked "Spears reply brief" and you will get a nice and tidy pdf. Section three was written by BLS grad Dustin Benham.

Wait, Britney Spears wrote the Reply Brief? I didn't realize she graduated from HIGH SCHOOL, let alone law school.

Or is Britney Spears your client? This is confusing. I guess she's put out some criminally bad music, but does she really need you to represent her?
Confusing indeed... I was under the impression that Spears didn't wear briefs, or any other kind of underwear, for that matter.

At least, that's what I've "heard"...
I don't think I can officially agree with anything,(nor am I adept enough to argue against it) but there are so many great bits!
My fav's are:

"It is not 2004."

"there is no avoiding the simple physics of sentencing"

"precious judicial resources will be squandered."

I like a reply with a little sass.
Bravo to the sorting hat, indeed.
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